bonding is finished!

Hey people, we got news. We found out today that our bonding period actually started the first day we saw Sam, so that means that our last day is today. That’s a cool thing. It really went fast. So now we have an interview at the department of education here in the city. They will ask us some questions, and once we get their approval, Lord willing, they will schedule a court date. They say we could get into the department of education as early as Thursday or Friday, so we are hoping for soon.

Once we are done there we will have a court date schedules. We are also praying that our court date will be soon. Court is the biggest thing that affects how everything goes from here forward. When our court date is determines a lot of how long we will be here, and what the court’s decision is obviously weighs a lot.

We had a good visit with Sam’s doctor this morning about his medical history, how she thinks he is progressing since we got here, and what to expect in court. She is a really sweet lady who is always smiling, and she will be in court with us. That is something we are glad for. She says that Sam is really progressing a lot since we arrived. One thing that stood out to me was that she said most kids are looking around as people come in and out for someone to be their parents (even if they don’t exactly understand parents yet, they are at least looking for “their people”). But since we arrived she said Sam doesn’t do that anymore. He knows we are his people.

Yesterday when we arrived in the morning we got their after the other family who has a child in Sam’s class. So they had already picked up their little boy, and Sam was left behind. So when we got there he was crying and having to be held, probabyl because he wondered where we were, and when he saw us he immediately stopped crying. So cool. Is it ok to say that we were glad to see our kid cry?

Sam is doing so much better at walking, too. It’s crazy that he is progressing so fast in only two weeks, but yesterday he tool probably 15 steps on his own. He usualy takes a few and then falls into our arms, but yesterday he just kept on going. It’s a cool thing. I plan to have him running and working on his crossover by the time we leave here.

We have uploaded a few videos on our youtube page that may give you some insight into our lives here so far. They are sort of old, and we are catching up. They are midly humorous, I guess, and we hope you enjoy them and feel part of us by watching them. We love and do read every single comment, even if we don’t reply, so keep those coming when you have those thoughts. If oyu have an idea for something you would like to see or know let us know and we will see what we can do.

The youtube page is Hope you enjoy.

Thank you for continuing to walk with us.

17 responses to “bonding is finished!

  • Matt and Tori

    Okay, we paused our prayers to post a WHOOPEEEEEE!!! You guys have helped us excercise the “happy cry” a lot lately and bless you for that. Sam is certainly one of God’s children, and if God had favorites, Sam would be at the top. Man he is special. Thank you for doing such a fabulous job keeping everyone in the loop. We love you guys like crazy and promise to be Sammy Wonder Prayer Warriors. See each day as the blessing it is, and know that we are ALL learning God’s love from the challenges you are facing. Thank you, love you, and …gig’em. ha.

  • Whitnae and Reed

    Wow! My mom just e-mailed me about seeing you guys’ blog about Sam! What a wonderful message you’re sending out to everyone. We are praying for you guys!

  • Julie

    yes, its ok that you were glad he cried! that’s how you know he loves & misses you! in just 2 short weeks, y’all have become his comfort, that is amazing.

    we will be praying for your meeting today and a soon to be court date!

    love & miss y’all!

  • White Family

    What an incredible journey!

  • susan

    Yahooo!!!! I can’t believe it’s already been 14 days. And I’m so thrilled to hear of Sam’s progress. Sending you warm wishes from Austin, Susan

  • Lanetta Gobble

    you are his people.. that is amazing… wow.. so awesome and what a compliment.. did you cry?!
    so awesome…
    Praying for you!!!

  • Tina

    I’m so excited about every step of this journey! I’m blessed to be able to follow along as you go! When I saw Sam and Aaron’s pic in this blogg I instantly thought…”they are dressing alike!!” so cute! I know you aren’t, but it’s super cute anyway! It’s amazing how love can help a little guy grow in just a few days.

    Many many many blessings to you three and lots of prayers!
    Love you!

  • Aunt Elisabeth

    I love y’all and love Sam. I am praying praying praying.

  • Dwayne

    p.s. I voted poppy!….figured it would be funny for him to refer to you(whistle, “bike” shorts, and all) as Poppy when he later is asking you how he can tweak his crossover (from the sounds of it “later” will be next week).—-“Hey, you got any pointers here, Poppy?”-Sam

  • Dwayne

    Hey guys! just got caught up on your blog! Love every bit of it! It is very touching to hear of the connection you are making with Sam. y’all aren’t just people, your his people, thats awesome! Can’t wait to see all of you together, I hope that is asap!

    miss you guys!

  • Jamie

    A friend just forwarded your blog to us and we wanted to say hi! We just got back Thursday from Kaz and our little Sasha was in the same group as your Sam! If you send us your email addy, we could probably even send you some pictures of your little guy from a few months ago (it’s always fun to be able to reconstruct a baby book!).

    Anyway, we’ll be following along with your adventures and hope to read about an early court date and successful outcome soon. And FWIW, the stuff you’re concerned with (well, I’m assuming that I know what you’re worried about) never came up in court. The social workers did ask about religious beliefs and we were brief in our answer but honest about our convictions and it all went fine.

  • Jamie

    I’m also glad his shirt told me that he was a TOOTSIE POP KID! Hehe!

  • Jamie

    Hooray! You are his people. I love it. I’m sorry I haven’t been able to watch the You Tube videos… it’s blocked at work and no internet at home, but I will watch them soon.
    Love ya’ll!!! I’m praying for you!

  • Poppy

    Perhaps the most heart-warming post so far. I had to stop half-way through to clear my eyes and catch my breath. Sam now knows his “peeps”! Everyone needs peeps.

  • Barbara

    I cried as I read this latest note. You are making such a difference in this child’s life – and he will totally change yours! It is a miracle and a blessing all rolled into one. I will pray for a smooth transition and court proceedings. The Lord is with you. – BjP

  • Aunt Kate

    This is so exciting! We are praying for everything to go well! Maybe this is the downhill slide!

  • Megyn

    This is all exciting news! Just want you to know that all of us girls in the college ministry are meeting tomorrow night (while the guys are at the Sportsman’s Banquet) to pray specifically for you guys. We are all so privileged to get to walk through this with y’all.

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